Kevin Cressy

Web Software Delivery Manager

London local time - 11:29 AM

I am the Delivery Manager for the Advanced Digital Engineering Web Software team in the UK - a high performing multidisciplinary team of designers, software engineers and product managers.

I oversee the delivery of products and services from our team who specialise in designing and developing cloud-native web applications for our clients. I am passionate about seeking out the value proposition in new innovations in a firm not short of ideas.

More recently, I was part of the team delivering the Greater London Authority’s London Infrastructure Mapping Application - it was a challenging and complex, multi-stakeholder project with a high profile and to have seen it grow in functionality and usability over the years has been fantastic.

In my early years at Arup I was proud (and still am!) to be supported to volunteer with the charity MapAction, providing on the ground services to the UN and other organisations during humanitarian disasters.

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