Image: Adelin Preda; Image: Adelin Preda;

Planning and Design for Urban Mobility report, Global

Report provides up-to-date assessment of conditions in the world’s cities

The latest Global Report on Human Settlements (GRHS) from UN-HABITAT, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, reviews key trends, practices and policies on sustainable mobility and transportation patterns from cities around the world.

Planning and Design for Urban Mobility also suggests ways to improve the working and living conditions of urban populations by meeting their transport needs in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner.

Specialist reviewers

Transport experts from Arup offices worldwide peer reviewed the report on a pro-bono basis, assigning a lead reviewer with expertise in transport and mobility to each of the report’s ten chapters.

To tackle the report, Arup, over the course of 18 months, worked with supporting reviewers to give UN-HABITAT the benefit of their advice. In all, some 20 Arup specialists were involved – covering disciplines ranging from logistics to mass transit.

Because Arup is involved in delivering transport projects on the ground, we were able to contribute real-life project examples and experiences to the report. ” Susan Claris Susan Claris Transport Planner

Accessible and acceptable

The report calls for a conceptual leap in the design of sustainable urban transport systems with a shift to a focus on access. It argues that urban planning and design should focus on how to bring people and places together, by creating cities that prioritise accessibility, rather than simply increasing the length of urban transport infrastructure or increasing the movement of people or goods.

With the private car often seen as the most desirable travel option, the report calls for action to enhance the acceptability of public transport. It argues that more must be done to improve the reliability and efficiency of public transport services and to make them safer and more secure.

Flagship report

The GRHS is UN-HABITAT’s flagship report series, providing the most authoritative and up-to-date assessment of conditions and trends in the world’s cities. Written in clear, non-technical language and supported by informative graphics, case studies and extensive statistical data, the reports are essential tools and references for researchers, academics, planners, public authorities and civil society organisations around the world.