Alistair Hunter

Alistair Hunter


  • UKIMEA Roads and Streets Leader
  • UKIMEA Intelligent Mobility Leader

Alistair is the Highways Business leader in Arup's UK, India, Middle East and Africa region. 

Alistair's professional focus is on developing fair, equitable and sustainable transport systems, and solving complex system wide asset management and funding challenges. To this end, Alistair works with senior decision makers and has helped Government through providing policy advice on clean low carbon transport, technology and revenue recovery. He has been a witness to the parliamentary Transport Select Committee, and his work has directly informed Government’s Spending Reviews.

Alistair is a member of Arup's UKIMEA Region Board, is a Board Sponsor for EDI Connect Ability, and leads Arup's UKIMEA Highways Business and Global Intelligent Mobility group.