Greer Oliver
- Australasia Planning and Design Leader
Greer Oliver is Arup’s Planning and Design Service Leader in Aotearoa, New Zealand. She leads a multi-disciplinary team and brings together planning, design, social outcomes and economics in city strategy and masterplanning projects.
Her work is focussed on the intersection of people, places and the future with an emphasis on how we shape place and space to respond to the changing needs of humans and the environment within our cities. She works collaboratively with a wide range of disciplines and stakeholders to unpack, align and navigate the vision, values, interdependencies, trade-offs and efficiencies that underpin complex infrastructure and development projects.
Greer brings diverse experience in the development of multi-disciplinary, city shaping strategy and design including heading up teams for the development of growth strategy, urban development, precinct regeneration and masterplanning projects. Her recent work includes the Auckland Light Rail Corridor Business Case where she lead the development of the Corridor Strategy and Station Development Plans for 18 stations along the proposed new rapid transport route, the Aotearoa Neighbourhood Play System which establishes and implements an approach to designing for urban childhoods in New Zealand, and the Southern Auckland Economic Masterplan which establishes the plan for future jobs growth around new and emerging industries.