Jane Healey-Brown
- UKIMEA Planning, policy and economics leader
Jane leads the Planning, Policy and Economics business in Arup’s North West and Yorkshire (UK) offices and is the Global Town Planning Skills Leader. She leads our global Planning research and skills development on planning for inclusive communities, digital planning and sustainable planning.
Jane has significant expertise in local planning policy and regeneration, particularly green belts, sustainability appraisals, regeneration and Masterplanning. She has recently supported UK national government in the delivery of the Towns Fund Programme and a number of local authorities in Levelling Up programmes. Jane is regularly called up to contribute on national planning matters and is an experienced expert witness.
Jane is a Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute, a Greater Manchester Combined Authority Planning and Housing Commissioner, Visiting Professor of Planning and Geography at the University of Liverpool and a Board Member of the Northern Power House Partnership, as well as a Non-Executive Director of a housing association.