Peter Burnton
Arup Fellow
Peter is an Arup Fellow with a focus on the planning, design and asset management of structures in the transport sector.
Peter strives to understand the key drivers for a project and then uses his experience to deliver constructible durable solutions specific for the project needs.
He has contributed to major bridge, maritime and inground structures in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Peter has a passion for the interaction between these transport structures and soil, water and wind including the influence of extreme events such as floods and accidental impact. Peter also enjoys the assessment and asset management of complex issues associated with concrete structures including the material properties and deterioration mechanisms of concrete and its reinforcement.
Peter has served on the Standards Australia committee for AS5100.5 Bridge Design – Concrete for over two decades and has served on the University of Queensland School of Civil Engineering Industry Advisory Board for 20 years and currently as Adjunct Professor.