Use infrastructure to catalyse growth

Transport infrastructure, particularly train stations, can be a major catalyst for a town or city’s productivity, providing populations with an affordable, sustainable connection to work. Well planned transport infrastructure can become a hub for collaborative work, driving up wellbeing and productivity.
We help clients to define the business case to develop complex sites into commercially viable schemes that gain planning approval, meet local needs and connect communities and businesses. To achieve real, long-term productivity gains requires a multi-layer approach that understands which forms of transport infrastructure can lead to wider improvements in economic activity based on local growth potential.
Madrid Nueva Norté Masterplan
Learn more about our work on Nueva Norté, one of the largest urban regeneration and placemaking schemes in Europe.
Land value capture
How can land value capture drive social and economic regeneration? At Bristol’s Temple Meads station, Arup has been shaping a 20 year regeneration programme and developing its new enterprise zone. Learn more.
Productive cities
Learn more about our approach to improving cities' commercial appeal and productivity.