Invest in low emission energy and transport
Perhaps two of the most significant net zero priorities are tackling emissions from energy and transport systems. In many cities, there’s an urgent need to accelerate the transition to local renewables, particularly for regions where climate impacts are driving up energy use on mitigations like cooling or air conditioning.
Whether planning a new station, airport or regional energy system, a place-based approach to low carbon infrastructure can deliver more affordable, sustainable and accessible energy to support decarbonisation. In the UK Arup has been helping clients all over the country to develop Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs), which address every element of energy transmission, distribution and consumption in a coordinated way, to enable the transition to net zero. There are implications for how homes are heated, business and industry use energy, transport choices and much more. LAEPs enable a whole system level of planning and response, whether you’re in charge of a dense inner city district or a small coastal town.
We are working with cities, regions, and utilities as they develop more complex grids, implement battery storage to facilitate greater reliance on renewables, and manage demand using real-time data. We also draw on data collected in our Zero tool, analysing whole life carbon from almost 1,000 global projects to reduce carbon over the build and operation of any new infrastructure.
Learn more about area energy planning.

Net zero cities
Cities will face a range of challenges on their way to net zero. Learn more about our approach.