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ueber.morgen: 3D printed buildings

Will our cities soon be 3D printed? This developing technology has the potential to revolutionise our conventional construction methods. Among other things, it offers greater freedom of design, resource-efficient manufacturing and more precise production possibilities.

The number of 3D printing services is increasing constantly, and researchers are continuously working on optimising the technology. The first 3D printed houses have already been built but how developed is the technology in practice and how much of an impact is it going to have on the construction industry?

We invite you... join us for a breakfast on May 30th as part of our lecture series “ueber.morgen” to learn more about 3D printing.

Martin Pauli Senior Architect, Arup Foresight, Research & Innovation – will explore the different possibilities to apply 3D printing and its potential in the built environment. He will also have a look at whether the technology is profitable and to what extend it is going to influence our way of building in the future.

Jörg PetriHead of Research & Applications NOWlab Innovation at BigRep – is an expert in the field of digital production and 3D printing on a large scale. Using current examples, he will illustrate the way 3D printers are currently being used in the construction industry and will give an outlook on further possible developments.



30 May 2018

Arup Deutschland
Mayfarthstraße 15
60314 Frankfurt am Main


Please confirm your participation to Francie Möller by Friday 25 May 2018 by email: [email protected] or phone: +49 30 885 910-95.