
Cities and the pathway to driverless

Marina Miceli Marina Miceli Europe Press Office,London
19 July 2017

Dr. John McCarthy, Leader of Intelligent Mobility and Associate Director in Arup’s Dublin office, presented the keynote address at a Roads Australia automated vehicles event in Sydney on 19 July.

Roads Australia recently carried out a study in the US and Europe, preparing for the driverless revolution. In this report, the regulatory and practical roll-out of autonomous vehicles technology was explored.

As a specialist in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), John explained the impact CAVs can have on our cities and the way we approach mobility. John’s ideas formed a central part of this industry briefing, building on the expertise he developed through involvement in a number of cutting edge projects in the UK and globally. John’s work has focused on the technical aspects of connecting systems together, but also on the policy, security and user requirements aspects. In recognition of his knowledge in this area, John was called as an expert witness to the recent House of Lord’s Select Committee on Autonomous Vehicles. 

Last week, John presented at an Urban Land Institute Ireland event in Dublin and the Future Car:Diff event in Cardiff, exploring the current and future opportunities that the car presents. At both of these events, he explained the challenge of effectively implementing future mobility, particularly due to the fast pace at which new technologies are becoming a reality. John presented his views on CAVs and highlighted the importance of prioritising the user, as understanding behavioural aspects in relation to technology is central to his work with CAVs. 

To really create citizen centric solutions, we have to look at the wider picture, and that means understanding not just transport or technology, but planning, people, and land usage also. We need to understand how we bring all of this together seamlessly in order to create a safer, cleaner, more efficient environment for us all. ” Dr John McCarthy Dr John McCarthy Associate Director

Graphic showing transport systems in a city Graphic showing transport systems in a city

Arup has significant experience in CAVs. In the UK, an Arup-led consortium demonstrated advanced CAV technologies in a series of trials during one of the first UK Government projects. In Australia, Arup is providing specialist guidance on project planning, ORAT, autonomous vehicle testing and ITS for a CAV trial project. Arup also has numerous ongoing projects in the Middle East and the US. 

Autonomous (i.e. driverless) vehicles are rapidly developing worldwide, with countries currently preparing for the change. As the Leader of Intelligent Mobility at Arup in Ireland, John’s work is key in preparing for the future of transport. Arup’s breadth of interdisciplinary skills helps us to advise and inform on issues around the design, implementation and operation of innovative transport systems.