I lead Arup's Experience Design service in Australia. Over a 25-year career, I have led the strategic and detailed design of new digital products, experiences and services.

Engagement and co-design are at the heart of my work.

I use structured, collaborative techniques to deliver online and offline workshops that are enjoyable, productive and conclusive. They provide clear, evidence-based design decisions formed through consensus. I help leaders to define the vision, objectives and key results for the assets they design. I support project teams to understand the human, place and technology context that defines the problem to be solved, and the community and business value to be created.

Design thinking, lean and agile are the pillars of my approach. The agile methods I use enable co-ordinated, distributed teams to deliver with confidence and momentum.

Great design is the result of great communication. The communication principles of stakeholder engagement and project team collaboration lie behind my recent work for Transport for New South Wales and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. They also inform my experience design for the University of Melbourne’s New Student Precinct and Melbourne Connect, customer-centred design for a major metro rail project, and recent wayfinding design for a public transport authority.

Connect with me on LinkdedIn.