Mudzviti Mudzviti

Chief Operating Officer, Arup Zimbabwe

Mudzviti Mudzviti is a structural engineer with excellent analytical and mathematical skills, as well as expert problem-solving skills. He has strong leadership, management, and interpersonal communication skills, alongside an ability to explain complex conceptual information in simple terms and solve challenging technical problems through creative solutions. His area of expertise is in the design and supervision of reinforced concrete, structural steelwork, timber and masonry structures in both Commercial Building and Industrial Engineering Services.

Best solution to date include the proposal to use recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) to the re-construction of the Chep factory which had caught fire and was completely burnt down. This reduced the demand for virgin aggregate the negative environmental impact of the aggregate extraction from natural resources as well as cutting the construction cost.

He has passion in the use of structural engineering materials in the delivery of sustainable and low energy buildings.