Arup Corporate Report 2011

This snapshot of our financial and sustainability performance also highlights some of our work around the world in 2011.

The 2011 Corporate Report provides a snapshot of Arup’s financial and sustainability performance, as well as highlighting some of the tremendous work our teams have carried out around the globe over the year.

Our unique ownership structure means we are not obliged to report on our performance in the same way as listed companies, but we strive to be an open and inclusive organisation and the report provides us with an opportunity to share some of the things we do every day with a wider audience.

The report provides an insight into the firm, allowing clients, partners and stakeholders to share the aspirations we have for shaping a better world in all sorts of ways, large and small. It also highlights our ongoing commitment to creating a more sustainable and resilient built environment for the future.

Supporting documents

The Corporate Report covers the year up to the end of March 2011 and should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statement for the same period.

Arup Corporate Report 2011

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