Community Engagement

Community Engagement Annual Review 2021

As an employee-led organisation, we are proud to have continued to invest in Community Engagement projects through the uncertainties of the past year. We remain committed to ensuring that disadvantaged, marginalised, and vulnerable communities have access to our services.

Through the challenges of the pandemic our people have continued to give their time and expertise to support our project partners and communities.

Collaboratively building the capacity of the organisations that we work with enables us to maximise impact. Increasingly we are using our digital skills to support partners remotely, helping them develop tools and approaches that allow them to provide their services and engage directly with individuals in need. 

We have deepened our project partnerships globally at national and community level, helping us to understand how to best focus our efforts to make a meaningful difference. This is two-way process for us. We learn much from our experiences developing and delivering Community Engagement projects. Collaborating with communities through our partners informs all aspects of our work, and consequently our people and firm are shaped by our Community Engagement work.

As we look to the future, we want to continue to build effective relationships and create even more successful projects. The landscape is evolving, and we intend to mobilise more of our people and leverage our wider networks to achieve greater positive outcomes for the most vulnerable communities. Join us as we strive for a future where all individuals and communities live in a safer, more resilient, and inclusive world.

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