Arup in cities

Arup in Cities

In our mission to shape a better world we must shape better cities. With nearly 70% of the world’s population set to live in cities by 2030, the quality of life experienced by this population will determine our global future.‘Arup in Cities’ provides clients and collaborators with a pathway into Arup’s wealth of integrated skills and knowledge related to cities.

For many years now Arup has been investing time, effort and resources into the study of cities and the issues they will need to respond to over decades to come.

Our cities strategy links our advisory services in strategy development, planning, finance and economics, consultation and operations with our key strengths in design, engineering and implementation services. It brings our existing collaborations, research and project knowledge together to respond to city contexts around the world.

User tip: click to ‘Themes’ to see the strands of our expertise in cities. Under each theme, click ‘Research Review’ to access relevant knowledge we’re using across city projects globally.

For more information, please contact [email protected].

Arup in Cities