Disaster Proofing Indian Smart Cities

This project looks at digital infrastructure for critical services and its performance within climate extremes. It was conceptualised as a way to share UK technical and design expertise to support the climate resilience of towns and cities in India that are entering India’s ‘Smart Cities Mission’.

As part of this project we have engaged with a number of cities and one of the main outcomes is this guidance document on climate resilience of DIT. We hope, this will be helpful to Smart City planning and procurement teams when selecting and purchasing DIT, particularly for emergency services. It can also be used by those who are developing and innovating products and services for Indian Smart Cities as they will benefit from a targeted overview of what is an appropriate product or service for Indian climatic conditions. We hope to share this guidance widely and continue to update it based on user

feedback and changing technology or innovation. We have focussed on Kakinada and Indore (two cities in different climatic zones) where we received excellent interest, engagement and support from city officials. The guidance can also be a useful for other cities looking to ensure they develop climate resilient emergency services in Smart Cities and the life and work in these cities can go uninterrupted and investment is safe and productive.

We would like to thank the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office ‘Prosperity Fund’ for commissioning this project as well as UK Department of International Development (New Delhi) for their enthusiasm for UK expertise to support a key development outcome of reducing risk in Indian Smart cities and enhance climate resilience.

The language of the guidance has been kept simple as the target audience for this guidance are municipal employees who may not have any previous knowledge of digital technology. For further details contact: [email protected] (Project Director)

Disaster Proofing Indian Smart Cities