Seychelles Masterplan; Seychelles Masterplan;

Seychelles Strategic Land Use and Development Plan, Indian Ocean, Seychelles

Articulating a clear vision and strategy for the Seychelles up to 2040

Arup was commissioned to prepare a strategic plan for Seychelles, articulating a clear vision and strategy for the future of Seychelles up to 2040, including how places within the country will develop.

The Seychelles Strategic Land Use and Development Plan is an ambitious spatial framework which provides policy across a range of topic areas to ensure a holistic approach to managing growth is adopted. The plan plays an important role in securing economic and social development, protecting the natural environment, supporting the Seychellois identity, and ensuring climate change resilience.

Project Summary

115 islands make up Seychelles

30%population growth is expected in the next 25 years

400local stakeholders helped shape the plan

An integrated, inclusive approach

An integrated, inclusive approach

The project was underpinned by a collaborative approach which included substantial stakeholder engagement, both with key government and non-governmental stakeholders and the wider Seychellois community. A major contribution to the project was derived from ‘charrettes’. These three to five day intensive workshops brought together nearly 400 wide-ranging stakeholders – including Ministries, elected representatives, community organisations and businesses – to shape the plan. This was the first time these organisations had all come together at the same time, and has established enduring relationships. 

Arup’s multidisciplinary, planning- led team comprised a wealth of specialist expertise (planning, urban design, economics, masterplanning, transport, utilities, environment, heritage, infrastructure, security, GIS, stakeholder and community engagement).

We enjoyed working with the Arup team who adopted a very collaborative and inclusive working style to ensure the Plan reflected our aspirations. We also valued the team’s commitment and flexibility to the project and the high quality of their outputs. The Arup team are highly recommended. ” Terry Biscornet Consultant, Seychelles Planning Authority

The plan, initiating strong partnerships for effective delivery and commanding widespread public support, was adopted in 2015.

Industry awards recognition includes CIEEM, Landscape Institute and the RTPI, which describes the plan as an “Exemplar of collaborative and inclusive sustainable spatial planning.”

Judges comments, RTPI Awards 2016: Commended International Award for Planning Excellence

The plan, initiating strong partnerships for effective delivery and commanding widespread public support, was adopted in 2015.

Evidence-based assessment

As part of the Seychelles Strategic Land Use and Development Plan commission Arup produced a number of evidence based assessment documents which informed the production of the plan. The plan includes policy and framework plans to guide development and inform decision making and comprises an integrated national strategic plan, a framework plan for the most populous island (Mahé), and a detailed masterplan for the capital city of Victoria.

Victoria Masterplan: Creole Capital of the World

As part of the Strategic Plan project we created a deliverable masterplan for the capital city of Victoria.

Detailed masterplanning balances competing interests, accommodates future growth sustainably and revitalises the city to help it realise its ambition to be the Creole Capital of the World. The overarching aim is to create a vibrant capital and Indian Ocean hub which is an attractive place to live, work, visit and invest. A city which embraces the challenges of the 21st Century whilst protecting and celebrating its heritage and culture. 

The masterplan establishes an overall vision for Victoria, which is supported by six cross cutting strategies: delivering growth, creating a liveable place, embracing Creole heritage and culture, revitalising the public realm, activating the waterfront and developing a coherent movement network. These strategies are supported to implementation through the identification of growth locations and 15 key projects.

Project awards:

  • International Award for Planning Excellence – Commended, Royal Town Planning Institute RTPI 2016 

  • Stakeholder Engagement - Highly Commended, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management CIEEM 2016 

  • Strategic Landscape Planning, Highly Commended Landscape Institute 2016