Bristol resilience strategy cover

Bristol Resilience Strategy

This document introduces the City of Bristol’s resilience strategy looking forward 50 years to 2066.

The strategy provides an ambitious, long term vision for the city that will help it rise to the global and local challenges that it faces. The strategy has been developed as part of the city’s participation in the 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) programme.

As the 100RC Strategy Partner to Bristol, Arup provided technical guidance to the city’s Chief Resilience Officer, Sarah Toy. We supported her in understanding the city’s shocks and stresses and helped develop practical actions that will turn the city’s challenges into opportunities. The programme in Bristol engaged over 1,600 people through a series of interviews, workshops and public events.

Bristol’s approach to resilience is shaped by the City Resilience Framework (CRF). The CRF was developed in partnership between Arup and The Rockefeller Foundation and has been adopted by 100RC. Bristol is one of 21 cities that Arup is currently supporting on the 100RC programme as Strategy Partners.

Bristol’s strategy sets out the long term direction of travel for the city. It reflects the need for change at all scales, starting with individual citizens, through local communities and neighbourhoods to the city as a whole and its place in the wider world. The strategy is underpinned by five visionary pillars that describe the outcomes that the city hopes to achieve.

  • Fair: Every person living in Bristol has the assets and opportunities to enjoy a good quality of life.

  • Liveable: The city centre and neighbourhoods are great places for people of all ages to live, work, learn and play.

  • Sustainable: The city and region prosper within environmental limits through adopting new behaviours and technology.

  • Agile: Bristol citizens and leaders make effective decisions based on shared priorities and real-time information.

  • Connected: A strong network of local communities and organisations promotes trust, cooperation and shared action across the city.

Supporting each of the above goals, the strategy outlines a range of innovative and disruptive actions to support this vision.

Bristol Resilience Strategy