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Cities Alive: Green Building Envelope

In ever denser cities the space for green infrastructure, such as parks and green recreational spots, is being depleted.

What is often considered as “green architectural decoration” is, however, an important element in our built environment and should not be underestimated.

Can retrofitting cityscapes with vegetation improve the health and well-being of urban citizens? Can we use green facades to capture renewable energy and drive sustainability?

Experts from eight Arup skill networks across the globe cross-examine these questions with a view to shape better cities. The comprehensive research considers whether green building envelopes can have a special role to play in improving our cities for their inhabitants.

Green building envelopes can help to reduce the urban up-heating (heat island effects), filter fine dust on the streets and reduce noise levels.

We now have the opportunity to rethink how cities can improve green infrastructure and, at the same time, help to reduce energy consumption, improve air quality and people’s wellbeing.

Cities Alive: Green Building Envelope