River restoration
River restoration is a multifaceted task, requiring careful planning and local analysis.

Our support takes five forms:
- Survey, monitoring and adaptive management
Our team of expert fluvial geomorphologists, aquatic ecologists and catchment specialists can help study and understand natural catchment processes and pressures from reach scale to river basin scale. We have experience in delivering bespoke geomorphological, aquatic ecology and catchment surveys – including catchment reconnaissance, fluvial audits, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Modular River Survey (MoRPH).
- Design
Our team of river restoration specialists are familiar with established and emerging river and wetland restoration techniques (re-wiggling and re-meandering rivers, weir removals, fish passage design) and have developed digital tools that can efficiently identify opportunities to re-wet catchments, reconnect floodplains and determine suitability for ‘Stage Zero’ restoration.
We can deliver the full design process from confirming feasibility and optioneering, preparing outline designs and progressing these to detailed design. Arup’s ‘Design with Water’ approach ensures that we design and deliver sustainable and resilient solutions, which restore rivers whilst optimising flood risk, ecosystem services, carbon sequestration benefits and positive social outcomes.
- Stakeholder engagement, planning, consents and permits
Rivers and catchments are important parts of any community and landscape. Our team can effectively engage with various stakeholders – clients, catchment partners and regulatory bodies – to deliver sustainable outcomes. We can assist with the planning process, including identification and preparation of relevant planning documents (Flood Risk Assessments, Water Framework Directive/Water Environment Regulations Assessments) and input to consents and permits (watercourse consents, abstraction and/or discharge licenses) required to help support planning applications.
- Site Supervision
Our team of fluvial geomorphologists can provide site supervision to oversee delivery of river restoration projects across a range of river environments and catchment settings (in the UK and internationally). We can interpret engineering drawings and translate those into appropriate actions on the ground, working alongside contractors, site managers and machine operators.
- Advisory Services
Our team is experienced in providing high value advice and support on an extensive range of projects related to catchment management, erosion/deposition risk assessments and the maximisation of ecosystem services. This work can include Environmental Impact Assessments and feasibility studies. We support development and implementation of advanced digital systems to bring efficiencies, can advise on funding and transactions, and input to important strategic projects and the design of post-project appraisal and monitoring services
Get in touch with our team
Find out more about our how services can support you:
Explore more water projects

Designing underground tunnels for Singapore’s water treatment network
Deep Tunnel Sewerage System Phase 2 T-08 and tunnels from Tuas Water Reclamation Plant, Singapore

Strengthening flood resilience for communities
Douglas and Togher Flood Relief Scheme, Ireland

Using geospatial and water expertise to inform onsite wastewater treatment system planning
Sonoma County Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Mapping & Analysis Study, United States of America

Keeping Victoria’s waterways healthy with optimised stormwater management
Feasibility of stormwater flow regulation, Australia
River and catchment health
Arup offers effective water environment improvements, that also address the wider, social and economic potential of catchment ecosystems. We work across the project cycle - from project planning, through feasibility, to design and delivery.