Francesco Ferrari

Senior Structural Engineer

London local time - 3:28 AM

I am a senior structural engineer working in the Buildings London Team. Through my project work I have gained a deep understanding of the engineering challenges on sites that are near operational rail infrastructure, working closely with the respective asset owners and through the often complex approval process.

I strongly believe that future buildings need to firmly address climate change and sustainability by cutting embodied carbon and developing deeper understanding of the construction life cycle.

One of the projects I have most enjoyed working on was the new Sports Hall building in King’s Cross London. The building is within a very constrained site and positioned directly above three historical rail tunnels. The main challenge was designing a structure that was as light as possible. This took the form of a timber frame with cross laminated timber walls that allowed to minimize the overall weight whilst redistributing loads uniformly. We also pushed the material properties of the concrete foundations, by developing a bespoke superlight weight concrete.

As an IStructE Professional Review Interviewer and an ICE Supervising Civil Engineer, I am passionate about early career development. Ensuring the future generation of engineers gain the necessary core technical skills and sound engineering judgment is essential to our industry.

My interest in sustainability and in the safeguarding of the environment is also reflected in my love of the outdoors and ecotourism.