Lu is a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) delivering social improvement, environmental gain, and economic prosperity through her work. She is an active member of the UK Water Sector Multi-capitals Network and has co-authored thought papers on the topics of decision making and infrastructure delivery. Her paper on Capital-based Incentives for the Future Ideas Lab explores the role of regulatory incentive framework in the delivery of public value, and Exploring a Health-led Approach to Infrastructure sets out a whole-system asset framework to better align infrastructure investment to support wellbeing outcomes.

Lu has worked in engineering for over 12 years and has collaborated with organisations across public and private sectors to improve decision making. She led the methodology development for the Social Cost Benefit Analysis for the Peru Reconstruction Programme and is currently delivering the economic appraisal for the Humber 2100+ Strategy. Lu also helped Ambition North Wales to design and implement a methodology to reduce carbon emissions and improve biodiversity for its projects.