I am a civil engineer focused on the design of infrastructure for commercial developers.

The scale of many of the projects I lead mean they include significant design of public realm, with the responsibility to make that design work for occupants of adjacent buildings. My public realm experience includes the design vehicular routes and highways, complex utilities infrastructure, earthworks, storm water management and storm and foul drainage networks.

My work leading multidisciplinary teams has proved to me the value of digital technologies in improving communication between disciplines. I have focused on major regeneration projects and mixed-use developments here in London, including the revitalising of the BBC’s former home at Television Centre. The ‘transform and reuse’ philosophy behind this and many other of the regeneration schemes I work on is greatly reducing the carbon impact of development.

Incompatible platforms and standards risk slowing down the digital transformation of our industry. I am part of the infrastructure steering committee of a not-for-profit organisation focused on avoiding this. BuildingSMART is a worldwide industry body working to create open, international standards for digital technologies in the built environment. It mirrors our firm’s own commitment to open source as a powerful way to bring about change. The shared standards we are creating will support our industry’s wider uptake of building information modelling, transforming the design, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure.