Arup wellness commitments Arup wellness commitments

Our commitment to wellbeing

Being a ‘humane organisation’ is one of our core values, and a living commitment of everyone at Arup.

Being a ‘humane organisation’ is one of our core values, and a living commitment of everyone at Arup.

In his Key Speech (1970), Ove Arup talked about a desire “to make the environment and working conditions as pleasant as possible within the available means” and that is an idea we remain focused on today.

Our three wellbeing commitments, published in February 2022, formalise the importance of wellbeing to our work and continued success as a firm.

  1. Environment
    We will promote an environment where wellbeing is part of the way we work. We create safe environments where we feel able to discuss wellbeing openly, educating ourselves to recognise signals and help colleagues get support. We integrate wellbeing into how we work and respect the need for a healthy, sustainable balance in life.

  2. Whole-person
    We will take a whole-person approach to wellbeing. We promote self-care and offer a range of resources to manage our own wellbeing and resilience. We recognise the impact of events taking place outside of the workplace and respond accordingly.

  3. Leadership
    Our leaders will engage with and be responsible for our wellbeing commitments. Our leaders are encouraged to have the necessary skills and knowledge to identify issues and deal with challenging situations – not as an expert, but as a guide.

Download a copy of our wellbeing commitments (PDF) 

Committed to our people

Our values permeate every aspect of our organisation, from the expectations we have of leaders, to the opportunities our people should share, and the kinds of clients we work with. These commitments guide our decision-making every day.