The Arup Journal 2021, Issue 2

The Arup Journal 2021 Issue 2

The Arup Journal showcases some of the best of our firm’s work, with stories from challenging and innovative projects across the globe. The latest issue has been published which includes a range of diverse projects highlighting our positive impact on the built environment. 

Explore Little Island in Manhattan where we shaped a unique public park and performance space that rises up from the Hudson river.  

Included in this issue are a number of projects with resilience at their heart including how our seismic design shaped the Maruhon MakiArt Terrace - a multi-purpose community centre which symbolises new beginnings a decade on from the devasting 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. See how in Istanbul’s Basaksehir Pine and Sakura City Hospital, we designed the largest base-isolated building in the world and how our work for the Groningen earthquake structural upgrading is contributing to a more seismic resilient region in the Netherlands. 

Take a detailed look at the Ainsworth Building, an innovative and sustainable timber-engineered building at Sydney’s Macquarie University and read about how the South East of Scotland Transport Partnership Strategic Network is connecting people and places through walking and cycling. 

Finally, discover the Pearl Red Winery where we have put total architecture into practice by creating a facility that celebrates traditional Chinese wine manufacturing, local architecture and incorporates high-tech sustainable manufacturing processes. 

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