Hotel Park Doha; Hotel Park Doha;

Hotel Park, Doha

Providing a new destination in the West Bay area of Doha

Doha's first large landscaped public park at the very heart of the city's central business district

Parks are a fairly long evolved idea in Europe. But in the Middle East the concept of large public parks is still emerging.

We were tasked with creating a memorable landscape led public destination at the heart of Doha's West Bay area. Hotel Park forms one of the world's largest roof gardens and is part of a wider public realm network within Doha linking the area directly to the Corniche Seafront promenade.

We supported our client in creating a true public space. A green urban destination for local, and visiting residents and families to gather, picnic, exercise and relax.

Project Summary

80000m2 of new city centre park space

2000spaces for cars underneath the park

10°Ccooler temperature in the park compared to the city

The entire park sits above a four storey basement parking building which presented complex engineering challenges for our technical teams

Defining the park experience

Landscape architecture’s role in defining the park experience was at the centre of this complicated, multidisciplinary project. Understanding the complexity of the building structure, levels, void formers, drainage requirements and below ground infrastructure and how it related with the surface landscape design was critical.

Together, the park’s five main water features and planted sculptural landforms achieve something incredibly appealing in the heat of Qatar. The clusters and avenues of trees and palms create shade and a micro-climate that can be up to 10 degrees cooler than areas without trees. This creates a more enjoyable, Mediterranean temperature, and is further proof that green infrastructure and landscape can improve the liveability and sustainability of a city.

In a park, the landscape isn't secondary, it is the central goal

Our design at Sheraton Park shows how landscape design can drive integrated design work – bringing a huge variety of disciplines together.  

Seven hectares of varied and flowing Landscape design

In total, Hotel Park provides over seven hectares of landscaping in a varied and flowing combination of stepped waterfalls, paddle-friendly pools, restaurant plazas and lawns.  

Planted sculptural landforms and spectacular water features are interspersed with clusters and avenues of trees to create a landscaped oasis which encourages exploration.

A series of paths and boulevards intersect through the landscape, defining feature garden areas, open spaces and leisure zones, each with individual character and lighting needs.

Our coordination ensured the final aesthetic was both attractive and functional, as well as durable and easy to maintain over the long term.