Alan Duggan is an Associate Director and member of the Buildings leadership team in Dublin. He delivers high quality building consultancy services to a diverse range of clients, assisting them to deliver innovative, sustainable and easy to operate buildings.

Alan has led numerous teams in commercial, sports, science and industry, educational, healthcare, cultural and infrastructure projects and has delivered projects in Ireland, Canada and Albania.

He served on the CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Buildings Services Engineers) Ireland Branch from 1997-2012, as Honorary Treasurer for 9 years, Vice Chair in 2010 and Chair in 2011, and was awarded the CIBSE Bronze Medal for outstanding service to the region in 2012.

Key projects include Saint Mel’s Cathedral, Toronto Pan-Am Games 2015, Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence, IAA Visual Control Tower, Downtown One Tirana and the new children's hospital. Current projects include the National Maternity Hospital, Trinity College Dublin Old Library Redevelopment and the Sport Ireland Abbotstown Campus Masterplan.