Towards the delivery of a national residential energy efficiency programme

In Towards the delivery of a national residential energy efficiency programme, we propose a series of steps that will enable the UK to halve its residential energy consumption. Many large-scale residential retrofit schemes have been undertaken at home and abroad. We have studied these and consulted with contractors, campaigners, academics, funders, government departments, devolved administrations, local authorities, private landlords and housing associations.

The three building blocks of a national residential energy efficiency programme are:

  •  Create and maintain demand at scale

  • Learn and disseminate the lessons from research and experience, especially from schemes that did not perform as intended

  • Create the right governance framework

These building blocks must be underpinned by cross-party support for an integrated and enduring policy approach across the built environment.

“I commend the Arup report to the UK’s national and devolved governments, city governments and local authorities.”

— Lord Deben, Chair of the Committee on Climate Change

Towards the delivery of a national residential energy efficiency programme