Australian Water Outlook 2016

Australian Water Outlook 2016

Australia is facing unprecedented challenges when it comes to how we plan and manage our water resources. The nation’s future prosperity is inextricably linked to how well our water resources will meet the needs of a growing population, diversified industries, and protection of the environment.

Climate change and rainfall variability are placing increasing pressures on every aspect of the water industry as it grapples with aging infrastructure and increasing urbanisation.

Understanding community and industry attitudes, priorities and perceptions are critical to developing a comprehensive and robust sustainable water policy for Australia. The Australian Water Outlook (the Outlook), a collaboration between the Australian Water Association and Arup, aims to encourage more conversations around water security and raise the importance of water to all Australians.

  • Water use and efficiency

  • The price of water

  • Sources and types of water

  • The future of water

  • Water security

  • Business outlook

The Outlook provides some contextual information but remains primarily factual and data-driven. The Outlook presents the results and provides a basis for community informed policy debate. The results presented here enable the Australian Water Association and Arup to work with the water sector and community nationally to ensure the alignment of interests and government policy to drive a sustainable water future.

Australian Water Outlook 2016