I am a fluid dynamics and building physics specialist. While a large part of the work I do involves the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), a method to simulate the motion of fluids on a computer, I also use a range of other mathematical modelling techniques and physical models. The aim is to give our clients a better understanding of the fluid dynamics important for their projects, for example, the flow of water in a reservoir spillway or the effects of wind blowing around a group of buildings, to help improve the engineering design.

Building physics is the study of the physical processes that control air movement, moisture, heat and sunlight in buildings. Building physics is important in determining air quality, thermal comfort, the performance of facades and ventilation, heating and cooling systems. The focus of my work is finding ways to achieve healthy and amenable environments within buildings while minimising energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Before joining Arup, I worked in university research, developing mathematical and physical models of some of the fundamental processes that are important for weather, climate change and environmental pollution.