ICT and automation

ICT and Automation (ICTA) Scoping Study Research reports

A call to arms, this report outlines the strategic research programmes the built environment industry needs to pursue.

This National Platform 'ICT and Automation' (ICTA) Scoping Study report is intended as a 'call to arms' for industry.

The strategic research programmes / roadmaps are the key section of this report, and should be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure relevance and longevity.

The roadmaps were developed through a combination of work carried out by the National Platform ICTA Working Group, and through information gathering and analysis during two roadmapping workshops – held specifically for this Scoping Study. Additionally, a significant amount of desktop research was carried out to review a number of existing Built Environment roadmaps from other countries – this information was used to supplement the work carried out by the Working Group and workshops, and to highlight any commonalities.

In order to achieve the industry’s long-term vision of itself, the ICTA priority area has identified the following five key research topics:

  • Collaborative Prototyping to Define and Deliver Client Requirements (Roadmap R1)

  • Efficient, Seamless Sharing of Information Across the Built Environment Stakeholders (Roadmap R2)

  • Ability to Interact with Real-Time Information Regardless of Physical Location or Timezone (Roadmap R3)

  • Mass Adoption and Application of Off-Site Manufacturing, Automation and Mechanisation Processes & Systems (Roadmap R4)

  • Well trained, well qualified workforce able to use the latest best practice technologies (Roadmap 5) 

By completing the research activities described in all five detailed roadmaps, and then integrating all these outputs into industry, the overall ICTA vision will be achieved.

ICT and Automation (ICTA) Scoping Study Research reports